So the debate rages on with blizzard again announcing that 5 man heroic difficulty needs to be seriously looked at since dungeon finder groups are having a hard time with it
(Source). Instead of saying yes this is a good idea or no this is a terrible idea, they are too easy already - i'm first just going to explain based on my own experiences why groups fail in 5 man dungeons.
The main reason why dungeon finder groups fail in Cataclysm in my opinnion in is.. tantadadaaa... Dpsers who don't know how to fill their role efficiently.
How have i come to such a conclusion?
When i started 1st running heroics on my warlock and now while still running my daily random on my warlock i notice that the tank and the healer you usally (90% of the time) get can more or less tank and heal efficiently. The people filling those two roles have really had to rock it out in heroics since the start of Cata as the difficulty in healing and by extension tanking smartly (stunning, interrupting also asking for CC-s for as much as you need) has increased by 10 fold compared to the end of WOTLK where we went into some heroics with our DK just switching into his Tank spec while being in full dps gear. So this has pretty much weeded out most of the bad tanks and bad healers or has taught them already enough to know how-to manage in these kinds of conditions.
Now dps hasn't really been affected by this change because there are 3 dps in any given dungeon group. And the general rule of the thumb seems to be that if even 1 of those dps manages to pull decent dps (10kish or more dps/s on bosses) and actually CC their target if asked then the group succeeds and the other 2 dps might be just dragged through content without requiring them to give any real effort in playing their class.
Also worth noting is that the higher your average dps is and the more targets you can effectively CC - the easier it is on the healer and the tank.
Now that i have leveled up my warrior to lvl 85 and have started tanking heroics it became very clear why tanks and healers don't want to go into dungeons with random dps. Because more often than not the dps you get from dungeon finder seems to be people who manage to pull barely 6k dps - while you as tank are doing 8k - and either don't speak english, don't know what their CC ability is or just are unable to pay attention whether they are standing in fire or not.
In conclusion. I don't personally understand such people or their goals they have in the game as i find myself being quite the elitist jerk. On the other hand i do understand that everyone who pays their 10$ a month has the right to play the game to their own enjoyment the way they wish.
However i do feel that blizzard needs to do something to remedy the situation where people who clearly are not prepared are thrown into dungeon with other people who are prepared and ruin their day. As we all know this is not a singple player game.
Now my personal suggestion would be that this limit should'nt be a limit such as "get a higher ilvl" it should rather be some sort of questline depending on which role you wish to employ in a dungeon where you have to succeed in defeating a benchmark test. Such as do kill a target dummy with X hp in X seconds to qualify for a heroic dungeon while not standing in "GOO". Now if you fail that - there should be some suggestion on how to improve your dps in game.
Currently the responsibility to teach these skills to you does not actually fall upon the game but rather the other people in your group (to explain on how-to handle situations). While i'm sure such learning is fun to do with a group of friends it can be quite tedious in a LFD group with people who might not even speak the same language as you, might be tired of teaching such things to other, might just be bad teachers who critizise instead of giving any valid feedback or people who can't stand simple pointers and rather take them as criticism on their own person or any combination of the above. So therefore i think such benchmark tests to see if a person should be elgible for LFD groups should be implemented into the game itself instead of dropping the responsibility onto randomly chosen individuals.