Monday, November 29, 2010

Adventures of Fluffykitten

With Azeroth now lying in ruins after Deathwings return. Might i add - he looked really pissed. No 80 content is out - so what to do oh what to do. Of course start an alt. Here he is a newly born Paladin named fluffykitten. Meow!

He was a quiet lad. Starting his life near Stormwind in a small abbey - which for some reason seems to be constantly under siege from wolves, sheesh, bloody menace. One day a change happened in the Abbey.

Day 1:
On that faithful morning as he was again trying to farm some pumpkins on the fields the orcs broke through via a tunnel from the blackrock mountain and he ran for his life back to the abbey to be protected by the guards. But oh how lovely - just then he saw that the mailman had come and with a package just for him. What was in the package you ask? Oh some lovely armor and a fabulous 2 handed sword sent by his great uncle and high warlock of the alliance. That is when he decided! No more - my days of plowing the fields and praying the the gods at night are over. For i will now take up my arms against these wolves and orcs and become a great hero of the alliance. After vanquishing the hordes of orcs and goblin assassins and putting out the fires that now burned on the fields - the day was finally done and our hero set on his way to Goldshire and to the great wide world behind the gates of the Abbey.

Day 2:
Goldshire and all it's troubles. Why oh why do they need so many candles - and why oh why do the kobolds feel so close the the candles they make. That has never been correctly documented, but as our hero was no scientist he solved the problems the only way he knew how, by hacking and slashing trough the horde of kobolds and getting their precious candles for a small fee to a merchant in Goldshire. Ah good old capitalism at work.

In that afternoon he was asked to go check out troubles around some old guardpost at the west side of Elwynn forest. There he was tasked with a great task of killing the most feared creature in these woods - then leader of gnolls Hogger. But oh the drudgery when he found out that just as he was about to hit the final blow the stormwind guards intercepted him and took Hogger to the Stockades for questioning. I mean putting a bloodthirsty beast into a dungeon that is renown for it's lack of security measures - that can end well - right?

Day 3: 
Westfall. As our hero was just entering Westfall he was welcomed with a truly gruesome sight of Old Blanchy lying dead on his path. And a Lieutenant Horatio Lane investigating and throwing witty one liners such as "Looks like this time they really put the cart ... in front of the horse!". As the murder mystery unraveled Fluffykitten was quickly deputized and put in charge of figuring out what had happened. Needless to say everything worked out very well in the end with Westfall being burnt to the ground by Vanessa VanCleef the daughter of the old leader of the Defias Brotherhood, and the Brotherhood generally restored in westfall. All in a days work right? Right?!?

Ah Well you win some and you loose some.

Day 4:
On the 4th day of travels our hero decided it was a good time to quickly visit lakeshire and Duskwood to gather some materials for his Blacksmithing. But was quickly drawn to the events in Darkshire when Stalvan Mistmantles long lost brother was hot on the trail of his brothers legacy. And to say the least a lot of mayhem pursued. Main thing aside our hero did manage to gather some precious ore and did manage to craft himself a good sturdy pair of boots and gloves for his travels. So a good day.

But that is all the time we have for you today. So sweet dreams children and have a good night.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's over 9000!

Yes Indeed. Falc aquired the Feat of Strength for over 9000 achievement points over the weekend after Estele my lovely girlfriend had the sense to drag me along to an ulduar10 run for some random achievements. This racked me up to about 8960 achievements points. And then an evening of PvP later the FoS popped up.

Also i think i must give Estele a big "Thank you" for actually helping me complete a lot of the achivements for this. As she really does help me through a lot of the rep grinds and gathering things. Not to mention being our GM and organizer for most guild business. So again "Thank you".

We also went ahead and did some more Ulduar just yesterday. Running with The Elysian Templars - who we're kind enough to organize the run and we finally managed to get a 25 man Algalon kill as well.

So for me at least only 1 thing remains to be completed in this expansion. The blasted "Glory of The Hero" dungeon achivements set. Of which only "Less Rabi" still remains.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Naxx25 madness and the joys of pugging.

Last night i was in the middle of some PvP when our Warrior MT called out for people in guild to PuG Naxx25.

When Zoning in i discovered that we had a group of about 16 people, 4 of which were guildies. Now 16 people is more than enough to kill Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad on 25 man with a competent group. But as i soon found out this it was not.

Oh the glorious wipes on Sapphiron when our healers managed to get caught by the shockwave during the air phase or the even more enjoyable defeats on Kel'Thuzad where people were killed by "Purple Swirly Things" on the ground or when our whole melee group managed to get turned into one big iceblock. We did manage to get them both down in the end - and needless to say - had a great laugh about the silly mistakes people were making. So all-in-all a great Pug.

So this brings me to the topic of why i love pugging raids:
1) You have no responsibility to anyone except for yourself.
No matter how bad you play you know that people in the PuG really weren't expecting any better so meh. Which also means that if you play really well you can watch other people fail on simple things and laugh out loud behind your computer.
Furthermore if you feel that you have no responsibility you can also relax better from the troubles of the world.
2) You can leave at any time.
In an average PuG - when the atmosphere gets really bad or when you can see that the Pug just isn't progressing anywhere you can just make a nice excuse and just leave. No penalty other than maybe a small hit to your realm reputation, if you have any that is.
3) You have a chance to check out other players and guilds on the realm and get a feel of the other people that play on your realm.
4) Finally - The big one! You can  really feel good about your guild raids - and just how much better things are there. This thought primarily just makes me smile :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Plan.

Hi and Welcome to Bane of Agony - the initial post.

For a while now i have been writing comments onto various sites about the happenings in WoW and this blog should be sort of a place or wall where these ideas and thoughts could all come together.

First off A little history is in order.
My main character and alter ego Falc the warlock has been around for ages. More specifically since i first saw the World of Warcraft episode on South Park (A couple of months before Burning Crusade was launched). For about a year i was a casual player mainly running having fun questing. In mid burning Crusade i managed to get into a raiding guild and get a feel of what it is like to tackle the PvE raid content in WoW and have been a semi-hardcore raider ever since.

What is Happening now?
The current plan for Falc the lovable affliction lock is to get the "it's over 9000!" Feat of strength. I am currently at 8860 Achievement points and counting - so not a large way to go. The only problem ahead seems to be that the achievements that are still left aren't the easiest ones to tackle. A lot of them being PvP ones + some reputation grinds. + 1 darn "Less Rabi" to complete in Glory of the Hero dungeon achievements set.

Other plans include to enjoy the elemental invasion which is currently happening in Azeroth, also to perhaps have some end of expansion fun in some of the older raids such as Ulduar.