So i was trying to figure out at which point Drain Soul is better to use than Shadowbolt while flying through the hoops on Alysrazor. Google brought me this fabulous video guide of Alysrazor as an Affliction warlock. The play here is very good and a real pleasure to watch + there were even extra tips such as double dotting onto the birds with soulswap. Not sure if i can pull it off next week but definitely going to try. But enjoy the video.
Anyway - why is it benefitial to switch to drain soul at a certain point you ask? As you gain haste Drain Soul gets extra stacks and still keeps the same drain time while the shadowbolt casts will eventually be faster than your GCD and so you will be waisting time waiting for the GCD will be up. Not to mention DS also refreshes corruption and UA on your target, So you will not have to worry about recasting them.
Not sure if this is backed up by any math, but it does seem pretty reasonable.
PS: Personal tip for the beginning of the fight. Drop your lock portal near the side of the firewall. So you can recover quickly after the initial knockback and you won't have to worry about owning a pair of goblin rocketboots ;)
Bane of Agony
A human warlocks blog about his life in WoW and maybe thoughts on warlocking in general.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Dragonwrath, Legendary Staff - questline overview
Right Trying to compose some sort of a quick guide of how-to get the staff once you are on the questline.
- Preparation. kill a T11 endboss. Any of these, Nefarian, Cho'gall or Alak'ir, will do.
Step 1 (A Legendary Engagement)
- Go pick up the initial quest from inside the mage tower in the portal room.
Step 2
- Simply follow the quests to Caverns of time and watch a cutscene.
Step 3 (All-Seeing Eye)
- Go kill a bunch of Firelands bosses to collect 25 Eternal Embers.
10 man drops 0-1 per boss kill
25 man drops 1-3 per boss kill.
Also go buy 3 "Sands of Time" from uldum. Should be around 3k gold for 1. Less or more depending on reputation and guild perks.
Step 4
- You will need to do some solo quests in the nexus area and inside the nexus. Nothing really difficult just follow the quests and you should be done nicely.
Step 5 (Delegation)
- This is where the real tricky bit lies. You need to go dig out the branch of nondrassil from Firelands.
Basically you have to fight each of the 1st 4 bosses in the firelands to aqcuire certain items.
And once you have those items there is a special encounter that needs you to combine all those items to summon it.
Here is a very good post on the forums that explains what you need to do.
Also of a video of the encounter:
After you have killed the boss as you can see you get the branch of nondrassil and you can go and turn it in for your reward.
Step 6
- Some more running about and quest chains
Step 7 (Time Grows Short)
- Collect 1000 "Seething Sinders". Again dropped from bosses in firelands. More RNG. Nothing more really needs to be said here i think.
Step 8 - (The heard of flame)
After successfully managing to grind your way to a 1000 seething sinders you will be given your final task to go an kill ragnaros and obtain his fiery "heart of flame"
After managing this the staff should be in your hand
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Follow up to the 5 mans
Seems that the 5 man dungeon groups problem got a slightly different but also quite elegant solution by blizzard.
Basically they increased the "Luck of the draw" buff to 15% for totally random groups (3 or more random people in the group) and it is slightly lower for groups with more people from the same erm original party in it. So it should work out quite well i think.
Alhtough it is not as "cool" as quests to introduce dungeoneering abilities would be, it will do the job i think. So good game blizzard.
In case you aren't already aware, Luck of the Draw is the name of the buff you get for grouping with random people using Dungeon Finder. It currently provides a 5% buff to damage, healing, and health if you have at least one random player in your group. With patch 4.0.6, we are increasing this buff to 5% damage, healing, and health per random player, up to a maximum of 15%.
Basically they increased the "Luck of the draw" buff to 15% for totally random groups (3 or more random people in the group) and it is slightly lower for groups with more people from the same erm original party in it. So it should work out quite well i think.
Alhtough it is not as "cool" as quests to introduce dungeoneering abilities would be, it will do the job i think. So good game blizzard.
Friday, February 4, 2011
On 5 man heroic dungeon difficulty and the LFD tool.
So the debate rages on with blizzard again announcing that 5 man heroic difficulty needs to be seriously looked at since dungeon finder groups are having a hard time with it (Source). Instead of saying yes this is a good idea or no this is a terrible idea, they are too easy already - i'm first just going to explain based on my own experiences why groups fail in 5 man dungeons.
The main reason why dungeon finder groups fail in Cataclysm in my opinnion in is.. tantadadaaa... Dpsers who don't know how to fill their role efficiently.
How have i come to such a conclusion?
When i started 1st running heroics on my warlock and now while still running my daily random on my warlock i notice that the tank and the healer you usally (90% of the time) get can more or less tank and heal efficiently. The people filling those two roles have really had to rock it out in heroics since the start of Cata as the difficulty in healing and by extension tanking smartly (stunning, interrupting also asking for CC-s for as much as you need) has increased by 10 fold compared to the end of WOTLK where we went into some heroics with our DK just switching into his Tank spec while being in full dps gear. So this has pretty much weeded out most of the bad tanks and bad healers or has taught them already enough to know how-to manage in these kinds of conditions.
Now dps hasn't really been affected by this change because there are 3 dps in any given dungeon group. And the general rule of the thumb seems to be that if even 1 of those dps manages to pull decent dps (10kish or more dps/s on bosses) and actually CC their target if asked then the group succeeds and the other 2 dps might be just dragged through content without requiring them to give any real effort in playing their class.
Also worth noting is that the higher your average dps is and the more targets you can effectively CC - the easier it is on the healer and the tank.
Now that i have leveled up my warrior to lvl 85 and have started tanking heroics it became very clear why tanks and healers don't want to go into dungeons with random dps. Because more often than not the dps you get from dungeon finder seems to be people who manage to pull barely 6k dps - while you as tank are doing 8k - and either don't speak english, don't know what their CC ability is or just are unable to pay attention whether they are standing in fire or not.
In conclusion. I don't personally understand such people or their goals they have in the game as i find myself being quite the elitist jerk. On the other hand i do understand that everyone who pays their 10$ a month has the right to play the game to their own enjoyment the way they wish.
However i do feel that blizzard needs to do something to remedy the situation where people who clearly are not prepared are thrown into dungeon with other people who are prepared and ruin their day. As we all know this is not a singple player game.
Now my personal suggestion would be that this limit should'nt be a limit such as "get a higher ilvl" it should rather be some sort of questline depending on which role you wish to employ in a dungeon where you have to succeed in defeating a benchmark test. Such as do kill a target dummy with X hp in X seconds to qualify for a heroic dungeon while not standing in "GOO". Now if you fail that - there should be some suggestion on how to improve your dps in game.
Currently the responsibility to teach these skills to you does not actually fall upon the game but rather the other people in your group (to explain on how-to handle situations). While i'm sure such learning is fun to do with a group of friends it can be quite tedious in a LFD group with people who might not even speak the same language as you, might be tired of teaching such things to other, might just be bad teachers who critizise instead of giving any valid feedback or people who can't stand simple pointers and rather take them as criticism on their own person or any combination of the above. So therefore i think such benchmark tests to see if a person should be elgible for LFD groups should be implemented into the game itself instead of dropping the responsibility onto randomly chosen individuals.
The main reason why dungeon finder groups fail in Cataclysm in my opinnion in is.. tantadadaaa... Dpsers who don't know how to fill their role efficiently.
How have i come to such a conclusion?
When i started 1st running heroics on my warlock and now while still running my daily random on my warlock i notice that the tank and the healer you usally (90% of the time) get can more or less tank and heal efficiently. The people filling those two roles have really had to rock it out in heroics since the start of Cata as the difficulty in healing and by extension tanking smartly (stunning, interrupting also asking for CC-s for as much as you need) has increased by 10 fold compared to the end of WOTLK where we went into some heroics with our DK just switching into his Tank spec while being in full dps gear. So this has pretty much weeded out most of the bad tanks and bad healers or has taught them already enough to know how-to manage in these kinds of conditions.
Now dps hasn't really been affected by this change because there are 3 dps in any given dungeon group. And the general rule of the thumb seems to be that if even 1 of those dps manages to pull decent dps (10kish or more dps/s on bosses) and actually CC their target if asked then the group succeeds and the other 2 dps might be just dragged through content without requiring them to give any real effort in playing their class.
Also worth noting is that the higher your average dps is and the more targets you can effectively CC - the easier it is on the healer and the tank.
Now that i have leveled up my warrior to lvl 85 and have started tanking heroics it became very clear why tanks and healers don't want to go into dungeons with random dps. Because more often than not the dps you get from dungeon finder seems to be people who manage to pull barely 6k dps - while you as tank are doing 8k - and either don't speak english, don't know what their CC ability is or just are unable to pay attention whether they are standing in fire or not.
In conclusion. I don't personally understand such people or their goals they have in the game as i find myself being quite the elitist jerk. On the other hand i do understand that everyone who pays their 10$ a month has the right to play the game to their own enjoyment the way they wish.
However i do feel that blizzard needs to do something to remedy the situation where people who clearly are not prepared are thrown into dungeon with other people who are prepared and ruin their day. As we all know this is not a singple player game.
Now my personal suggestion would be that this limit should'nt be a limit such as "get a higher ilvl" it should rather be some sort of questline depending on which role you wish to employ in a dungeon where you have to succeed in defeating a benchmark test. Such as do kill a target dummy with X hp in X seconds to qualify for a heroic dungeon while not standing in "GOO". Now if you fail that - there should be some suggestion on how to improve your dps in game.
Currently the responsibility to teach these skills to you does not actually fall upon the game but rather the other people in your group (to explain on how-to handle situations). While i'm sure such learning is fun to do with a group of friends it can be quite tedious in a LFD group with people who might not even speak the same language as you, might be tired of teaching such things to other, might just be bad teachers who critizise instead of giving any valid feedback or people who can't stand simple pointers and rather take them as criticism on their own person or any combination of the above. So therefore i think such benchmark tests to see if a person should be elgible for LFD groups should be implemented into the game itself instead of dropping the responsibility onto randomly chosen individuals.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Affliction warlock compendum and some number Crunching
So the last month since cata has been going in one straight direction - getting my warlock ready for raiding. Meaning running heroics, grinding rep and now finally getting to some reforging and stat balancing.
This post is a small compendum of affliction warlocking based and centered around my own warlock.
Also i would like to remember the wonderful people of EJ for putting in the time and effort to evolve an educated discussion about BIS specs and DPS benefits.
Also this thread is worth checking out:
Before going into the warlock stuff tho, a small general tip about reforging:
Once you look at some peoples characters on Armory - you will sometimes notice that people have reforged let's say crit -> hit and then hit -> haste. And you will be thinking - why on earth would the take the "long way round"?
This is due to the fact that when you already have a stat on a piece of gear you cannot reforge the 2nd reforgable stat on that piece of gear into the 1st one.
As an example:
If you want to reforge crit to haste have an item with "+200crit and +200haste" and a second item with "+200 mastery and +200hit" - then you can just.
Reforge 200 crit on the 1st item to 120crit and 80 haste
Reforge 200hit to 200 haste on the 2nd item.
By doing this you have effectively reforged 200 crit to 200 haste. By using the help of a 2nd item. And while keeping your hit value the same (this is the main stat imo to use for such conversions at hit cap).
Some general affliction warlocking notes:
The rotation i personally try to use while still running heroics and which seems to put out quite decent dps (11-15k on heroic bosses - depending on group buffs).
While running in to initial position:
1. Curse of Elements
2. Soulburn -> Soulfire to get the 15% increased haste buff up
3. Corruption
4. Bane of Agony
Should reach designated nuking position:
5. haunt
6. Unstable affliction
7. Use shadowbolt as filler
Keep recasting soulfire every 15 seconds - to keep the buff up
Keep up your ISB buff
Try to hit Demon soul on cooldown.
Only use Fel-flame when moving and there are no other instant cast dots to refresh.
About which pet to use.
Using succubus seems to be the better choise for personal dps with the glyph of Lash of Pain.
However as a personal preference it seems better to use Felhunter - due to it's interrupt ability which seems to come in handy in a lot of situations in heroics these days. And the Felhunter mana regen / int buff is also nice.
Stat weights to aim for as an affliction warlock (based on simcraft):
Worth noting that - as you can reforge Hit,crit,haste and mastery then you should be aiming to reforge for haste whenever possible.
For real world encounters being hit capped should still be higher priority than getting a bunch of haste due to missing on some spells tends to overcomplicate your rotation.
General tips:
Dark intent is best used on a restoration druid or a shadowpriest - ensuring that the 9% increased dot damage buff remains active almost 100% of the time.
Don't be a recount whore - use felhunter if noone else is giving a mana regen buff (no Blessing of Might for instance).
Simcraft stuff about my own character below:
Some notes before displaying any actual simcraft results:
1. Some BiS enchants are currently unattainable due to the insane cost to actual stat increase value balance.
2. Some trinkets that are shown here - are still quite hard to get my hands on. I have been quite lucky and got the Gale of Shadows - imo the BIS pre-raid trinket from a heroic for an affliction warlock due to the high amount of haste + the 340SP buff.
Full compendum of caster trinkets has been calculated here:
Down to business:
Imported character:
Affliction spec using shadowbolt as filler:
glyphs -> bane_of_agony/haunt/corruption/soul_swap/shadow_bolt/fear/unending_breath/eye_of_kilrogg/drain_soul
Rotation used for simcraft:
Full Results set can be viewed here:
Some of the more interesting results:
Damage sources and Scale factors (nice google pie charts from simcraft):


So the interesting bit about these is that:
1. About 50% of the damage seems to be still coming from dots (46%ish).
2. The hit scale factors are a lot lower than int and SP even when not capped. However comparing to other priorities and the complication of the affliction rotation seems that it is still better to get hit capped to make things easier on yourself and not risk loosing any crucial spell like haunt missing.
This post is a small compendum of affliction warlocking based and centered around my own warlock.
Also i would like to remember the wonderful people of EJ for putting in the time and effort to evolve an educated discussion about BIS specs and DPS benefits.
Also this thread is worth checking out:
Before going into the warlock stuff tho, a small general tip about reforging:
Once you look at some peoples characters on Armory - you will sometimes notice that people have reforged let's say crit -> hit and then hit -> haste. And you will be thinking - why on earth would the take the "long way round"?
This is due to the fact that when you already have a stat on a piece of gear you cannot reforge the 2nd reforgable stat on that piece of gear into the 1st one.
As an example:
If you want to reforge crit to haste have an item with "+200crit and +200haste" and a second item with "+200 mastery and +200hit" - then you can just.
Reforge 200 crit on the 1st item to 120crit and 80 haste
Reforge 200hit to 200 haste on the 2nd item.
By doing this you have effectively reforged 200 crit to 200 haste. By using the help of a 2nd item. And while keeping your hit value the same (this is the main stat imo to use for such conversions at hit cap).
Some general affliction warlocking notes:
The rotation i personally try to use while still running heroics and which seems to put out quite decent dps (11-15k on heroic bosses - depending on group buffs).
While running in to initial position:
1. Curse of Elements
2. Soulburn -> Soulfire to get the 15% increased haste buff up
3. Corruption
4. Bane of Agony
Should reach designated nuking position:
5. haunt
6. Unstable affliction
7. Use shadowbolt as filler
Keep recasting soulfire every 15 seconds - to keep the buff up
Keep up your ISB buff
Try to hit Demon soul on cooldown.
Only use Fel-flame when moving and there are no other instant cast dots to refresh.
About which pet to use.
Using succubus seems to be the better choise for personal dps with the glyph of Lash of Pain.
However as a personal preference it seems better to use Felhunter - due to it's interrupt ability which seems to come in handy in a lot of situations in heroics these days. And the Felhunter mana regen / int buff is also nice.
Stat weights to aim for as an affliction warlock (based on simcraft):
- Spell Power
- Haste
- Hit
- Mastery
- Crit
Worth noting that - as you can reforge Hit,crit,haste and mastery then you should be aiming to reforge for haste whenever possible.
For real world encounters being hit capped should still be higher priority than getting a bunch of haste due to missing on some spells tends to overcomplicate your rotation.
General tips:
Dark intent is best used on a restoration druid or a shadowpriest - ensuring that the 9% increased dot damage buff remains active almost 100% of the time.
Don't be a recount whore - use felhunter if noone else is giving a mana regen buff (no Blessing of Might for instance).
Simcraft stuff about my own character below:
Some notes before displaying any actual simcraft results:
1. Some BiS enchants are currently unattainable due to the insane cost to actual stat increase value balance.
2. Some trinkets that are shown here - are still quite hard to get my hands on. I have been quite lucky and got the Gale of Shadows - imo the BIS pre-raid trinket from a heroic for an affliction warlock due to the high amount of haste + the 340SP buff.
Full compendum of caster trinkets has been calculated here:
Down to business:
Imported character:
Affliction spec using shadowbolt as filler:
glyphs -> bane_of_agony/haunt/corruption/soul_swap/shadow_bolt/fear/unending_breath/eye_of_kilrogg/drain_soul
Rotation used for simcraft:
Full Results set can be viewed here:
Some of the more interesting results:
Damage sources and Scale factors (nice google pie charts from simcraft):
So the interesting bit about these is that:
1. About 50% of the damage seems to be still coming from dots (46%ish).
2. The hit scale factors are a lot lower than int and SP even when not capped. However comparing to other priorities and the complication of the affliction rotation seems that it is still better to get hit capped to make things easier on yourself and not risk loosing any crucial spell like haunt missing.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Lets do Archeology
So Dec 7th. After a long day at work which was even cataclysmically slow you might say i get home.
Time to load up the game and do some archeology.
What it's all about.
Flying around in the old world discovering places.. digging .. then discovering the same places again.
How it works.
1. Go train archeology in SW keep library from Harrison Jones
2. Open your map for Eastern Kingdoms and find a "spade icon" on the map.
3. Fly to said spade icon location - when you get to the correct area it is marked with a red circle on your area map as well
4. Dig inside the circle - a telescope will spawn and a pointy flashy light will be next to it. The larger end will point you the direction of the item you need to find. The pointy flashy light will say how far the object is. Red - for very far, yellow for medium and green blinky light for close.
5. Navigate to the item using digging and just following in the direction the telescope shows until it is in the green and then just dig up the artifact
6. Do this 3 times - sometimes 4 for 1 single dig site.
7. from skill 1-100 archeology only dig for artifacts. (You need to train up to journeyman between levels 50-75).
8. At skill 100. Open up your archeology Tab. Click on a topic (fossil, dwarf, troll or nightelf) and see how many items you can solve. When solving items be sure to notice a hexagon at the bottom of some items. As you should have earned a bunch of dawrf, or troll or nightelf relics - by clicking on that hexacon you can use one of those special relics to reduce the amount of items required to make that discovery. Be sure to make good use of that.
And that's pretty much it.
Personal impressions.
My first impressions were good - lots of travelling and lots todo. But after about 4-5 hours of solid grinding archeology feels closest to fishing. Which is also just a very long grind doing the same thing over and over.
At least the items you craft with it are interesting. I also managed to craft my 1st rare artefact. A rare pet:
However as with fishing - grinding it for a whole evening is not the best activity unless you've got a good TV series or something to watch in the foreground and leave the archeology and digging into the background.
Also note worthy - i managed to gain 90% of the experience required for lvl 81 about 1.4Mil just from gathering archeology items - each of the gathered nodes gives about 5500xp.
Also noteworthy - apparently the higher you get your skil level the more fragments you get from digging up a single artifact. About lvl 100 it was 3. Same at lvl 200 at the moment.
PS! Some congratulations are in order.
Gratz to Primetime for being first guildie to lvl 85.
Gratz to my always lovely Estele for reaching lvl 85 just yesterday.
Gratz to Mortyhunter for being realm 1st lvl 85.
Time to load up the game and do some archeology.
What it's all about.
Flying around in the old world discovering places.. digging .. then discovering the same places again.
How it works.
1. Go train archeology in SW keep library from Harrison Jones
2. Open your map for Eastern Kingdoms and find a "spade icon" on the map.
3. Fly to said spade icon location - when you get to the correct area it is marked with a red circle on your area map as well
4. Dig inside the circle - a telescope will spawn and a pointy flashy light will be next to it. The larger end will point you the direction of the item you need to find. The pointy flashy light will say how far the object is. Red - for very far, yellow for medium and green blinky light for close.
5. Navigate to the item using digging and just following in the direction the telescope shows until it is in the green and then just dig up the artifact
6. Do this 3 times - sometimes 4 for 1 single dig site.
7. from skill 1-100 archeology only dig for artifacts. (You need to train up to journeyman between levels 50-75).
8. At skill 100. Open up your archeology Tab. Click on a topic (fossil, dwarf, troll or nightelf) and see how many items you can solve. When solving items be sure to notice a hexagon at the bottom of some items. As you should have earned a bunch of dawrf, or troll or nightelf relics - by clicking on that hexacon you can use one of those special relics to reduce the amount of items required to make that discovery. Be sure to make good use of that.
And that's pretty much it.
Personal impressions.
My first impressions were good - lots of travelling and lots todo. But after about 4-5 hours of solid grinding archeology feels closest to fishing. Which is also just a very long grind doing the same thing over and over.
At least the items you craft with it are interesting. I also managed to craft my 1st rare artefact. A rare pet:
However as with fishing - grinding it for a whole evening is not the best activity unless you've got a good TV series or something to watch in the foreground and leave the archeology and digging into the background.
Also note worthy - i managed to gain 90% of the experience required for lvl 81 about 1.4Mil just from gathering archeology items - each of the gathered nodes gives about 5500xp.
Also noteworthy - apparently the higher you get your skil level the more fragments you get from digging up a single artifact. About lvl 100 it was 3. Same at lvl 200 at the moment.
PS! Some congratulations are in order.
Gratz to Primetime for being first guildie to lvl 85.
Gratz to my always lovely Estele for reaching lvl 85 just yesterday.
Gratz to Mortyhunter for being realm 1st lvl 85.
So been a week and a lot has happened and not a lot has been written ;)
Cataclysm launch (Dec 6th)
It is the evening of the 6th of December.
Me and Estele set out to the store and drive there. It is snowing heavily and the roads are very slippery but we get there. Quite a few people about 40-50 waiting at the store. Not close to the numbers at Wrath launch. Ah well i blame digital download
At exactly 00.00 Local time the store is opened and we get our purchase and are home by 00.15.
We install the game and are done about 00.47 local.
Cool 12 minutes to Cata i think.
So time to log in - take Falc to Harrison Jones the archeology trainer and gloat a bit in guild about already having the Cata package and already having it installed.
Tick Tock.. Tick Tock..
00.01 Server time (01.01 local).. We try to log in aaaaand... "Connecting" ... "you have been disconnected from the server". Time to try again and again. Appears blizzard login servers are down.
00.05 ST (01.05 local) : Noticed some guildies spamming the shoutbox. Aah lovely to see other people panicking about the lack of ability to log on to the game.
00.20 Time to log on vent and hear DRG and Duv go crazy about lack of logon opportunities and their not so nice advantage of obtaining a digital release.
00.45 ST (01.45 local). After spending some time on vent hearing DRG and Duv nerdrage about cata launch fail it was time for bed :)
Can't really say i didn't see this coming. But still an eventful evening and quite fun with some guildies packed in.
Cataclysm launch (Dec 6th)
It is the evening of the 6th of December.
Me and Estele set out to the store and drive there. It is snowing heavily and the roads are very slippery but we get there. Quite a few people about 40-50 waiting at the store. Not close to the numbers at Wrath launch. Ah well i blame digital download
At exactly 00.00 Local time the store is opened and we get our purchase and are home by 00.15.
We install the game and are done about 00.47 local.
Cool 12 minutes to Cata i think.
So time to log in - take Falc to Harrison Jones the archeology trainer and gloat a bit in guild about already having the Cata package and already having it installed.
Tick Tock.. Tick Tock..
00.01 Server time (01.01 local).. We try to log in aaaaand... "Connecting" ... "you have been disconnected from the server". Time to try again and again. Appears blizzard login servers are down.
00.05 ST (01.05 local) : Noticed some guildies spamming the shoutbox. Aah lovely to see other people panicking about the lack of ability to log on to the game.
00.20 Time to log on vent and hear DRG and Duv go crazy about lack of logon opportunities and their not so nice advantage of obtaining a digital release.
00.45 ST (01.45 local). After spending some time on vent hearing DRG and Duv nerdrage about cata launch fail it was time for bed :)
Can't really say i didn't see this coming. But still an eventful evening and quite fun with some guildies packed in.
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